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BHR Group to Supply Veolia Nuclear Solutions (UK) Limited with Water Jetting Solution

Published on 16 May 2021

BHR Group to Supply Veolia Nuclear Solutions (UK) Limited with Water Jetting Solution

Adaptable water jetting technology provides answer to remote cutting challenges.

BHR Group, the experts in fluid engineering, today announced that they have been awarded a contract to supply a skid mounted 690bar cutting system to Veolia Nuclear Solutions (UK) Limited (VNS-UK).

VNS-UK, a wholly owned subsidiary of Veolia Nuclear Solutions are remote handling specialists currently developing a long-reach robotic manipulator for limited access cutting.

They will be operating in environments with restricted access to cut and remove complex structures and a variety of exotic materials.

This required a cutting tool that has a proven track-record, is robust and reliable and is compact, lightweight and versatile for cutting operations. It was for this reason they turned to BHR Group and its Direct Abrasive Injection Jetting (DIAJET) suite of abrasive-water jet cutting tools and services.

BHR Group leads the world in the design and manufacture of progressive cutting and cleaning solutions, creating equipment that employs its DIAJET suspension slurry technology. This unique technology delivers an abrasive-water slurry along a single hose. As a result the engine/pump, water and slurry modules can be remote from each other and/or from the cutting/cleaning nozzle.

The cutting/cleaning operation at the nozzle can be up to 1000m from the pumping and slurry modules with little reducing in cutting performance. This is a distinct advantage over entrainment waterjet systems when the operator and equipment need to be located well away from any potential hazard or where human access for cutting/cleaning is restricted.

Working with the VNS-UK team, BHR will develop a bespoke solution to meet their complex challenges.

A skid mounted DIAJET SM40SE waterjet cutting product will be adapted and the end-effector integrated onto an VNS-UK manipulator.

Moving forward, engineers from both companies will work collaboratively to understand the environment that the equipment will be designed to operate under.

Together, the organisations will design, integrate and test cutting, measurement and manipulation components and systems ahead of final deployment of the DIAJET SM40SE equipment.

For more information on BHR’s proprietary water jetting solution, please visit the website: Water Jetting

About BHR Group

BHR Group has led the field of fluid engineering for over 70 years. Specialists in understanding how fluids behave, how they interact with each other and how they react with their surroundings, we take a problem solving approach to design, develop, validate and optimise processes for the benefit of our clients. Our clients work with us because we have expertise to solve complex fluids engineering problems. Our open, collaborative approach ensures there are no surprises, and that we always deliver on time and to budget. Established in 1947, and privately owned since 1989, we are based in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK.